
What is Straightening irons?

What is Straightening irons?

2023-04-20 17:46:17

The hair straightener is also called electric splint.It heats the heating element MCH or PTC or heating wire of the hair straightener through electric current , and conducts heat to the aluminum plate or ceramic plate.


Hair straighteners, straighteners, or straighteners work by breaking up the positive hydrogen bonds in the hair's cortex, which causes hair to open, bend, and curl. Once the hydrogen bonds break, hair cannot retain its original natural form, but if exposed to water, the bonds can re-form. The plate of the hair straightener is mainly made of ceramic material. Low-end hair straighteners use a single layer of ceramic coating on the plate, while high-end hair straighteners use multiple layers or even 100% ceramic materials. Some straighteners come with a self-closing function to prevent fire accidents.


Early straightening systems relied on harsh chemicals that tended to damage hair. In the 1870s, French hairdresser Marcel Grateau introduced heated metal hair care devices such as hot combs to straighten his hair. Ms CJ Walker uses a toothed comb with wide teeth and promotes their use in conjunction with her chemical scalp preparation and straightening lotion system. Her mentor, Annie Malone, is said to have patented the hot comb. Heated metal tools are easier to slide through hair, reducing damage and dryness. Women in the 1960s sometimes used an iron to straighten their hair.


In 1909, Isaac K. Shero patented the first hair straightener, which consisted of two flat irons heated and pressed together.

Ceramic and electric hair straighteners were later introduced, allowing adjustment of thermal Settings and straightener sizes. The ceramic straightening brush was patented in 2013. Sharon Rabi released her first straight brush in 2015 under the brand DAFNI. Ceramic straightening brushes have a larger surface area than traditional straighteners.


A hair straightener, by definition, is to straighten the hair, heat the hair through the heating element, soften it, and then cool it down to achieve the purpose of straightening the hair . Today's hair straighteners can both straighten and curl. In the past, hair straighteners were mainly used by professional barbers in hair salons. In the 1970s, Europe and the United States had already entered the home personal market. You can make a SPA for your hair at home. In 2010, hair straighteners entered the Chinese household market and developed into a must-have product for personal care, as popular as combs .

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